The MSE(Maxillary skeletal expander) or MARPE(Mini implant assisted rapid palatal expansion) device consists of mini-implants (miniscrews) that are anchored in the bone of the palate, along with an expansion mechanism. The miniscrews provide stable anchorage, allowing controlled and effective expansion of the maxilla especially in adult patients (Older than 16 years old where the palatal suture is mature). This type of expander is often used in cases where conventional expanders might not provide sufficient skeletal expansion.

The MSE basically helping expansion of the maxilla providing more space for the tongue, which is. usually blocking the airways if there's no enough space for it then the patient is obligated to open his mouth to get enough oxygen.
Expanding the maxilla will lead to the nasal gravity expansion as well, since the both bone are connected.
Same device could be used for moving the upper teeth backward and upward or different types of movements according to treatment needs.